The aim of ergonomics is to improve the interaction between humans and the machine. The principle of this science being to find compatibilities between the characteristics of the two system poles : the user and the machine (if we consider the user as making part of the system).
Don’t have to enter your password in every time you open an application, a security site, are ergonomics assets important but also gaping security holes in cases of fishing, for example.
In the application, regardless of the devices, request for access authorization (position, media, micro etc.) allows an ergonomics undeniable for access to the functions of the said application but allows also to transmit this information to third parties (official and unofficial).
Refusal to comply, accept this authorization systematically lead to the annulation of this installation.
A very concrete example of what the editor can do when the user authorizes the access to his media (pictures, medias, files) :
- Read
- Edit
- Delete
This allows for all to understand what is known about us.
How to limit these effects ?
Specially for the media, one trick is to move the sensitive information in a customized repertory differently of repertory who is authorized for application.
All recent devices include this often unknown function (private space for phones, TPM 2.0 fortablets).
So the user is don’t necessarily in case for the behavior, but there are efforts to be made on the knowledge of the equipment and their function.