Did you know ? The ATEX standard
15 accidents per year have occurred as a result of no-compliance with the ATEX standard.
The standard (ATmosphere EXplosive) was set up by the European Union and is designed to enhance the safety of explosive areas.
It is designed in two parts : Zones 0 to 2 represent the ability of a device to resist the presence of flammable substances (gas, vapor or mist) in the air. Zones 20 to 22, test the resistance of devices to the presence of a cloud of combustible dust in the air.
There are therefore three levels (from the most dangerous to the least dangerous) of ATEX zones for gases and vapors : 0,1 and 2, and three levels for dust : 20, 21 and 22. Generally, the devices are made to resist both kinds of substances (gas and dust). There is therefore an accumulation of zones, for example according to the ATEX 2.22 standard. It is important for professionals to work with equipment that is suitable for the areas and constraints they face.
Discover our tablet of the ATEX range below :